
it is hard to stop

when you’re running a race

a marathon, if you will

it’s like an endless chase

there is no end in sight

and perhaps none exists

but every once in a while

you’ll feel yours within your reach

you will separate yourself

from the reality that you live in

isolation is convenience

numb is the only feeling

you will strive for success

that you’ll never truly savour

when you want it,

it shines like diamonds

once you achieve it,

it’s a mere graphite rock

we are made to believe that

this is a part of life

but never once

taught to question

if there is any respite



Image: I saw this gorgeous painting at the National Gallery of Canada recently and was so engrossed in it that I even forgot to note its name or that of its creator. (any help would be much appreciated!)

Also, HELLO!

What do you think about this piece? Tell me all about it in the comment section below!

Have you ever felt like you were simply running a race to nowhere? Have you ever felt stuck or without purpose? How did you cope? I would love to hear your stories; the comment section is waiting!

63 Replies to “living”

  1. Beautiful piece with the most perfect finale.

    Coping with life isn’t easy, but one must have faith things will get better. And we need to strive for it. I have always been a doer. Don’t want to sound cold, if a person doesn’t like his/her current situation, they need to change it.

    Again, enjoyed their poem.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for this wonderful comment! And yes, I agree with you. I too believe that we must strive for change if we want it. Also that we have the power to define our life the way we want. It isn’t always easy, but it isn’t always impossible either🌸
      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I felt this magical piece coursing through my veins. Read it twice so it could resonate. Your words are wonderfully penned! 😊💜

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Definitely relatable. Sometimes you run a race only to get there and have to wait for the next step. The key is living while you run or walk that race. Easier said than done though 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Very true! All of us are in this blind race of success, but once we achieve our goals, we set up new ones and disregard the idea of gratitude towards what we have! Lovely piece! 🙂


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